Oral Habits

Why Are Good Oral Habits Important For Kids?
Have questions about oral habits? Find answers here.
You should start weaning your baby off bottles and pacifiers between the ages of 12-24 months. Start off by switching to a sippy cup before transitioning to an open cup once they turn two years old.
Yes. While it is completely normal for children to suck their thumbs or fingers as a soothing mechanism, they should stop around the ages of 3-4 years old. If they continue thumb-sucking past the age of 4, it can lead to dental and speech problems.
The ADA recommends bringing your child in for their first visit by the time their first tooth erupts, or by their first birthday, whichever comes first. At these early visits, we can ensure their teeth and jaw are developing properly, and address any minor issues before they become big ones. Plus, by starting their dental visits early, they are more likely to develop a positive relationship with their oral health.
3 Steps Towards Awesome Oral Health

The Benefits Of Good Oral Habits
Prevent Common Oral Health Issues
Save Time & Money
Set Your Child Up For Success